Key benefits of drinking water from copper vessels

Water stored in copper vessel has been part of the Ayurvedic tradition, going by the name “Tamra water” i.e copper purified water. Tamra refers to copper, and Jal means water. This water is essentially infused or charged with copper ions. Did you know that copper is believed to have various health benefits according to Ayurveda? It is considered a "Rasayana'' or rejuvenating substance that can help balance the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—according to Ayurvedic principles. The doshas are the three fundamental energies or principles that govern the functioning of the body and mind.

Historically, Copper was the first element known to man. The Copper age witnessed progress from stones to weapons to copper objects being made. The uniqueness of this metal lies in the fact that this is the only one with such beneficial anti-microbial properties. Copper plays a key role in multiple essential body functions, such as the production of energy, connective tissues, and your brain’s chemical messaging system. One may question that why is storing water in copper dispensers important? Why can we not simply drink water from copper glass? What are the benefits of drinking water in copper vessels? Well, this is to ensure that the water is infused with copper thereby conferring benefits to the drinker. It has been proven that storing water in copper containers leads to antibacterial properties capable of killing harmful bacteria. However, the water must be stored for at least 8-10 hours. 

In modern times

one often hear’s about drinking water from copper vessels.


1. Aiding Digestion:


Copper is believed to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, promoting better digestion.


2. Boosting the Immune System:

Copper is known for its antimicrobial properties, and it is thought that drinking water infused with copper may help boost the immune system.


3. Supporting Joint Health:

Copper is an essential trace element that plays a role in the formation of collagen, a key component of joints and connective tissues.


4.Maintaining Healthy Skin:


Copper is involved in the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair, and eyes. It thus reduces the early signs of ageing.


5. Balancing Doshas:


According to Ayurveda, copper helps balance the doshas, contributing to overall health and well-being.


6. Fights off Cancer & Anaemia:

The anti-oxidant properties of copper helps in fighting cancer more effectively. Copper assists in the breakdown of food to make haemoglobin, it helps the body in absorbing iron, the deficiency of which causes anaemia.


7. Management of hypertension:

If adults suffer from copper deficiency they tend to develop hypertension. Thus, some amounts of copper are critical for the regulation of blood pressure in a person.

8. Weight Loss:

Copper keeps the body in a good fat-burning situation even when the individual is resting!


storing water in copper dispensers can also kill contaminating diarrhoeagenic bacteria.

As a mineral, it also leads to energy production necessary for fast healing of any physical wounds. It's important to note that while there exists traditional wisdom and anecdotal evidence supporting the use of Tamra Jal, scientific research on these specific claims is limited. Long-term exposure to high doses of copper may sometimes cause copper toxicity, leading to nausea or some kind of abdominal pain. Having said this, one really cannot ignore the anti-oxidants that copper is known for. Proper care must be taken of drinking water from copper dispensers & copper vessels.

  • One must ensure choosing a High-Quality Copper Dispenser to minimise any risk of impurities. (Check P-Tal for authentic & pure thither craftsmanship embodies in copper water dispenser of divergent sizes)
  • Before using the copper dispenser for the first time, clean it thoroughly. You can use a mixture of lemon juice and salt to remove any tarnish or residues.
  • Fill the copper dispenser with drinking water. It's recommended to use filtered or purified water to ensure the best quality.
  • Allow the water to sit in the copper dispenser for a certain period, preferably overnight or for at least 8 hours. This allows the water to absorb some of the copper ions.
  • Many people prefer to drink copper-infused water in the morning on an empty stomach. After letting the water sit in the copper dispenser overnight, you can start your day by drinking a glass of this water.
  • While copper is an essential trace element, excessive intake can be harmful. It's generally recommended not to drink an excessive amount of copper-infused water. A moderate intake is considered safe.
  • Regularly clean the copper dispenser to prevent the buildup of impurities and maintain its appearance. Lemon juice and salt can be used for routine cleaning.
  • Pay attention to how your body responds to drinking copper-infused water. If you experience any adverse reactions or discomfort, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.

Answering some common questions about the usage of

Copper utensils


1. Does copper water have side effects?


Copper utensils have been used since ancient times, continuing their legacy to this day. However, like every other thing in the world, a balance in amount is required when it comes to consumption. Accessible intake can be toxic and may lead to copper toxicity.


2. Can I put hot water in copper utensils?


The higher the water temperature, the more the absorption of copper. Consuming excessive amounts of copper may lead to copper poisoning.


3. How much water should one consume per day? (mcg=microgram)


The amount of copper requirement varies with the age of an individual. For children from the ages of 9-13, the required amount is 440 mcg. For Teens from the ages of 14-18, the required amount of copper is 890 mcg, whereas for adults (age 19 and above) it is 900 mcg.


4. Can I drink copper water daily?


It is safe to drink water stored in copper utensils regularly. However, it is to be kept in mind that the water should be stored for 8-10 hours.


5. Is Copper Water anti-aging?


Due to its ability of melanin(it protects the skin from sun damage by absorbing excessive ultraviolet rays) and collagen(it helps maintain the elasticity of the skin) formation, copper provides a great boost to skin, hair, and eyes.


6. How to clean copper vessels?




Though copper utensils can be washed just as any other utensils, one can take some extra measures to prolong their shine and Color. Using lime juice or rubbing the surface with lemon helps preserve the polish and shimmer.