Bouncing Back To Our Roots

Bouncing Back To

Our Roots

From television channels that have taken us into a flashback by telecasting Ramayana and Mahabharata, to Shaktiman and Chanakya, we are enjoying our sweet-sour childhood memories. My grandparents are for sure reliving their younger days, sharing stories from the past related to fashion, lifestyle, home decor, their then family, etc While in the spree of mythology, noticed the use of brass and copper in many places of that era? Especially in the kitchenware!! These traditional materials that were used so commonly during that period, where have they disappeared now? Everyone must have heard about these traditional metals at some point or the other in their life. One will get to know that the older generation used a lot of brass and copper in their kitchen in the past. Ever questioned why?? Its because these metals have a lot of health benefits. Our forerunners generation lived a happier, healthier, and health hassle-free lifestyle earlier as compared to the present scenario!